

This is known as "Oriental Transpyrenean" so-called line n º 672000 RFF network. Its origin station Portet Saint Simon, located on Route dual carriage way Toulouse-Hendaye. Led to the International Station Latour de Carol - Enveitg online or she connects with the Spanish part of Transpyrenean.

The Spanish section corresponds to the line n º 222 of ADIF network originates station Montcada-bifurcación to go to Latour de Carol. This section consists of two differentiated lines:

- Sant Martí de Provençals in San Juan de las Abadesas.

- Ripoll Latour de Carol (the old "Transpyrenean Spanish").

This page is designed for describe in more detail the two parts of the "Oriental Transpyrenean" of their construction until today. This line holds on both sides of the border ramps records (up 4%) and the highest point in Spain rail-weighbridges with 1494 m inside the tunnel of Tosas and the ighest point in France rail-wighbridges with 1562 m in Porté-Puymorens station.